Monday, November 17, 2008

Cold for here

It was 41 this morning. Brrrrr. It was 31 in Ohio. Not enough difference to suit me.
I just read over some of my older entries and discovered I had never added any pictures of our travels this fall. If my blog name is Traveling Spinner, I had better show some of the travels. The houses are in Bad Windsheim, Germany and the wheel is at the Black Forest Open Air Museum.

Saturday, November 15, 2008

Craft show at the park

The park where we live in Fl. is having a craft show today. I walked around it after coffee this morning. Most of the participants live here in Lake Pointe Village. Lots of talent. One man does a beautiful job with a scroll saw. Wonderful things. Also a lot of sewing and general craft work. We have a crochet and knit group and a lot of great talent is showing up from there. Don't think I will get anybody to learn to spin though. I have my Little Gem here with me and always several spindles and wool. I'm always ready to teach.

Wednesday, November 12, 2008

Warm and lovely

Not too much sunshine this morning here in "sunny" Florida. I have been working on the chenille scarf on the Ashford table loom. I have the loom sitting on a round glass table. Not too bad. The rubber tabs on the bottom of the loom keeps it from sliding around. I am able to beat the picks pretty good. Better than when I started last year. The scarf is going to be very uneven as I surely did not beat it hard enough when I started.
I worked on the Morning Surf scarf yesterday at Lake Pointe Village crochet and knitting day. We meet every Tue. afternoon and have had a pretty good turn-out every week. Hopefully it will be better attended after all the snow-birds return and get settled. I will try to get more pictures of some of the projects on the page.

Tuesday, November 4, 2008

What I was doing

This is what I was doing before we left for Florida. Our guild has a coverlett program going. We each have a pattern and a color on our own loom. We then exchange colors and make a square with other people's colors in our pattern. When the 14 of us all get done, we will give each of the colors back to the owners and each will have 14 different patterns in our color. We will then each make bands and put together a coverlett in our own color and 14 different patterns. Hope it works out.
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Wednesday, October 1, 2008

I am still alive

Hi anybody who runs into this blog,
Along with the title of this blog, we just got back from a tour to Germany, Switzerland, and Austria. Great trip. Most of the other 39 people along, had some kind of farming experience. We saw a lot of landscape, Alps, and other tour buses. It was 12 days of great scenery. I took almost 700 pictures. Will keep most of them just on a disk and on the computer. Hard copies are expenceve even at 15 cents a piece. I would like to add a token picture to this days blog, but don't seem to be able to bring up the way to do it.
Perhaps I will add more tomorrow.

Sunday, June 29, 2008

Long time, you know

Boy, it has been a long time since I have written anything. I guess I should just write for my own use. It seems to be futle to write when no one sees it but me.
We have been to Florida and back. Howard had knee replacement surgery in Lakeland, Fl. He is doing very well. Of course he thinks he should be all well by now. He had it on May 20th. Just 6 weeks ago I think. He did therapy at home so I didn't get much spinning in. Did knit and felt a big purse. Didn't get the zipper in yet. Hope I can get a picture of it soon. Now I am working on a hat with lots of cables and lumps. Got to go to a Grandaughter's open house now. More Later I hope.

Friday, May 16, 2008


We are here! Boy is it hot and dry. Many of the plants that I put out last winter are all dried up and dead. Boo Hoo. Just thought I might loose them to frost, never considered the drought. Thank goodness the fires are over on the east coast. Shouldn't say that cause they are sure causing a lot of sadness over there.
We are just sort of marking time till Howard's surgery on Tuesday. Got everything put away and washed. Don't really know how things will be when he gets home. I do know the first few days will not be pleasant for him. Then the therapy will be bad and I must make him do it. He is always a good patient though.

Tuesday, May 6, 2008

Spinners group

We had a good meeting last night. The Spinning Group meets at the Canfield fairgounds once a month. We don't have rules or a real meeting. We just get together and spin. There were 9 ladies there I think.
Need to go get some things for Howard today. Still need to clean some more, but might just buy dessert at Sam's today. Cheese cake sounds good. Too good. I would probably eat the left-overs. Not good.
Maybe more later.

Monday, May 5, 2008

Much to do and I don't want to!

Company is coming and my house is a mess like usual. Must get more straighted up. Also must make a dessert. Going out to eat then will ask them to come in for dessert. Lots of fun, but should be more ready for company more often.

Thursday, April 17, 2008


I got the picture thingy to work on Ravelry. Not really sure how, but they are there. Click on the text of Ravelry on the side and get there.

Wednesday, April 16, 2008

Wow. This is the Ohio State Thimble bag. Now if I could just get it into Ravelry.

Sometimes they work, sometimes they don't

Been trying to link to Ravelry, but the button won't show. Got the words along side, but no button. Also been trying to add a picture (several pictures) to the Ravelry projects, but no deal there either. Boo Maybe I'll try to put them on here.

Well, I tried. Have no idea where they went. MMmmmmm?

Friday, April 11, 2008

Knitters Fantasy

Tomorrow I get to teach a couple of spinning classes. I have taught the one for several years at this Knitters Fantasy. It is a beginning class of Spindle spinning. Most all of the students have come away making a good yarn on the spindle. This year we have added a plying class. I hope to teach them a few different ways to make a good knitting yarn. Sure have a lot of demo and teaching tools to carry to the school where Knitters Fantasy is held. It is Chaney High School in Youngstown, OH. They are having a lot of vendors also. Come on down.

Friday, March 14, 2008

Almost the middle of March

The time is going too fast. We will have to leave Florida soon. Ohio will still have some ugly weather when we get there. We must get back though. Howard has meetings and appointments and I have a teaching day. Knitters Fantasy in Youngstown. I will be teaching begining spinning and a plying class on April 12th. Never taught plying as a formal class before. There is so much that can be covered I will have to limit what I cover.

Monday, February 25, 2008

Florida weather is wonderful

As I listen to the weather reports for the rest of the states, I am so glad we are in Florida. That is Sunny Florida. Yes, the next couple of days here is going to be cooler, but there is still no snow and 36 for a couple of hours is not bad.
I have finished the Myrna Stahman "Susan" shawl. I have posted a picture on Ravelry. Check it out. It and most all of my knitting is handspun yarn. Now working on the Ohio State thimble bag. It of course is pearle cotten and not handspun. I will post a picture of it soon.

Friday, January 25, 2008

January is fadeing

I had better write something more on this blog. I really don't know how some of these people do this every day. We are retired and still don't have enough time to do all I would like in a day. Of course trying to keep this computer working is time consuming enough. In the last few days I have formated the hard drive twice and reloaded most things twice. It did go off again today twice. I sure hope that was just shutting down from not being used, but I have the settings to not do that.????
I have been working on the Susan shawl quite a bit. The more I knit, the longer it takes cause the rows keep getting longer. I was knitting in the sun yesterday and found out why I bought this fiber. The sun shows up all the different colors in the yarn. As I knit, I realize the yarn is not as even as I thought it was while I was spinning it. Oh well, it still is passable.

Tuesday, January 1, 2008

Happy New Year

I bet that is the title of most posts today. I am not very original. Was finally able to add a picture of the Branching Out scarf yesterday. Course I didn't have time to add a post. Then today was able to get the pictue onto my Ravelry page. Between the 2, they could take up a lot of time that could have been spinning time.